Sep 25, 2013

Brew Batch #53 Black IPA (aka nIPA)

Continuing my series of IPAs through the summer, I'm trying my hand at a black IPA (or ninja IPA). The malt bill was fairly interesting including chocolate and Breiss caramel 80 malts. But the 5 hop additions then a dry-hopping in about 2 weeks makes this one a guaranteed morning mouth rinse. OG 1.064+0.001 @71F and the swill seems to have a excellent balance of sweetness and chewy grapefruit.

Inaugural Fall Balls 10K

This morning, having not run a 10k this month with the impending Hyundai 1/2 marathon approaching I took to the asphalt in the hopes that after being sick for 2 weeks and not running for 3 I'd still have at least 5 miles in me. Well I felt good at 4 miles so I turned it accidentally into 7 on my Garmin. As I ran through one of the neighborhoods the Sheriff's Dept had a speed sign up and honestly I was hoping to register on it as I came around the corner, but apparently that happens at miles faster than 10mins per.  The silver lining is that I got to celebrate with my sponsor at 9am and my favorite brew. Special thanks to Red for the 1st place case and Keller for "pre-opening" it for me. Wasn't sure how I was going to get into it.

Sep 13, 2013

Our Tastes- Belgian Backwoods

An offering from Lazy Magnolia, a Belgian Golden Ale made with Honeysuckle tea and straight color of clear golden straw with no head retention which was a dead give-away to the 8.51%abv. Taste of Belgian candi intermingled with nectar, sweet but not as dry. Nose of flowery sweetness and little hop. A nice refreshing beer with a "sneak-up-on-you" EtOh content. A nice offering from Junk as I fol new tasting member Andrew Mc into the flock. Not yet listed on Lazy Magnolia's site but a quick link gives the down and dirty.