Jul 30, 2023

Brew Batch #181 Occasionally

The German Pils summer crusher returns! Albeit towards the end of the summer, but that doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon. OG 1.046+0.000@ 72F. Taking it to 58F to start ferm then I'll dial it down to 53F to let it chew and clean. 

Jul 2, 2023

Brew Batch #180 KeeWeePee v1.1

FG 1.002-0.001@51F gives this one a solid 5.5%. It's a fan favorite and seemed to be better received than 1.0 due to the dry-hopping. I had to brew a few of my solid recipes to have on tap before I ventured into some new styles in the next few batches. Plus, it's comp time 😉