Mar 7, 2010


Alright continuing to try and improve our blather during the greenest of months while we urge and educate others to dark beer, today is the Nones of March. So we know that The Ides always falls on the 1st and is based off of the Julian (or pre-Julian) calendar. The Nones is a related market day. This one is a little harder to follow because this day comes from the nundinae, which is the 8th day of the "8 day market week" that occurred every 9 days (yeah they took a break), not our 7 day week system. From the Nones to the Ides is one market week or 8 days. Easy children's poem: March, July, October, May; The Nones are on the seventh (every other month they fall on the 5th only). Whew, I think I have typed myself into a beer!