May 8, 2013

HB9 Passed the Senate!

In a strange twist HB9 (Alabama's Homebrewing Law) passed the Senate 18-7-1 without one word of debate and has gone on to the governor for passage.
"It goes to Governor Bentley now.  Although he has indicated that he supports the bill, we need to make sure he knows thousands of Alabamians want him to sign it.  This is the one, last step needed before Homebrewing is legal in Alabama, and in all 50 states!  So, please go to, and fill out the form with your information.  Choose "Legislative Session 2013" from the "Email Concerning which Issue" choices.  And in the "Comments", in your own words, politely ask the governor to sign HB9, the Homebrew Bill.  Try to get as many people as you can to do this!  We know our prohibitionists opposition will be writing him, and we must vastly overwhelm their numbers!!" Not sure how I feel about not being an outlaw?!
Thanks to Right to Brew.