Jun 23, 2018

World Beer Cup 2018

Though this took place on May 3rd, I wanted to educate myself on the details of this event in order to better convey my personal attachment. Unlike GABF that takes place every year, WBC is only every 2 years making it even more of a medal winning rarity. 
So by the numbers there were:
8,234 entries a 25% increase from 2016 (72% outside the US) from 2,515 breweries (807 from outside the US) 
Judged by 295 judges from 33 countries during 6 session over 3 days
302 awarded medals (out of 303) in 101 different beer style categories
US dominated at 242 medals, Canada (or Canadia as my wife has called it) 14, Germany at 9. Belgium apparently gets an Honorable Mention as the highest rate at 10% (big deal they enter 10 and 1 wins, that's just playing with statistics!)