Jan 12, 2025

Brew Batch #200 Southie-12 v2.1

The big boy that dialed in the style! Seems somewhat fitting to do this batch and let it do it's thing for the next couple of months to get just right. It's taken on some grain bill changes but I feel like this is almost perfect to the style. Unfortunately, I muffed the water totals somehow and had a 2 hour boil just to get 55% BE. Pisser. Nonetheless, OG 1.092+0.00 @70F should yield a solid 10+-11% BDSA if the WLP 500 from CBB chews it up. 

Dec 22, 2024

Brew Batch #199 Melted Chocolate Bars v1.3

Into the keg today, FG 1.016+0.000 @62F. I fine 5.8% bevvy whose yeast cake looked like thick chocolate pudding! Needless to say, if I was going to reuse the yeast cake, I should've done it as soon as I pulled the beer off because there's no storing it full of Baker's cocoa. Hopefully this yields a smooth lightly roasted quaff. 

Dec 10, 2024

Brew Batch #199 Melted Chocolate Bars v1.3

Having turned out to be the hardest batch I've ever tried to dial in, I attempt to brew the perfect milk stout. Past iterations have been far too roasty or the yeast profile has been off. So, this time the grain bill is totally revamped, Wyeast 1332 is being used and even 8oz of Baker's Cocoa is going in. OG is 1.060+0.00@72F so I hopeful for a solid 6% beer. 

Nov 12, 2024

Brew Batch #198 HOLD FAST!

Due to VERY long workdays and a wonderful fever illness. Crashed on 11/8/24 but not kegged until today. FG 1.002+0.000 @63F for a healthy 5.4%. My only concern is that I get a slight whiff of phenolic? Nose could be off because Wyeast 2112 is not + POF, so it MAY be the 3 gallons of tap water I had to use to top of the HLT. I used hot water so it came from the hot water tank so I'm praying it's not chloramines, cause those aren't going anywhere and will require a "dumper". 

Oct 24, 2024

Brew Batch #198 HOLD FAST!

Being the quaffable bevvy that disappeared so quickly this summer, I had to brew this again. I bumped up the Northern Brewer a skosh in both bittering and whirlpool to get closer to the Anchor profile. OG 1.042+0.001 @76. Plenty of 2112 2nd gen on it. 

Oct 6, 2024

Brew Batch #197 Hemerodromos

Cold crashed on 9/29/24 but just kegged today at FG 1.004 +0.00@66F gives a smooth 4.5% lawn mower beer. Considering October is our driest month here and there's still plenty of grass cutting, hedge trimming and pine straw to lay, I should be well taken care of. I'll make sure those that didn't get a chance to try to it first go around get draws this time. Bring on the long runs, like the Greeks!!

Sep 11, 2024

Brew Batch #197 Hemerodromos

Going back to the all-grain batch that started it all and in need of a quaffer to abide the neighbors, I revisit my favorite Medusa laden cream ale. OG 1.037+0.001 @77F should give me a creamy crusher but maybe a tad better than years ago.