Mar 26, 2004

Brew Batch #1

Numero Uno went off without a hitch. It was a helluva crowd too. Wayne- Naval chapter (or the Seaman as I like to call him), Rusty- AU chapter co-founder, Merry- of the self-proclaimed "I want to be one of the 'original' members that has weathered through the storm and made it to the new TnDC sect" but would like all of her fans from this evening to know that she will not be able to make all of the TnDCs due to scheduling conflicts and 130mi. that separate her from the rest of the flock, E-train- Eutaw chapter (an no she's not Mormon), Krystal- Alexander City chapter, Emily- Vulcan (where Spock is from) chapter, Steph- somewhere from the backwoods of GA (but we don't hold that against her). I am sure I am leaving someone out, just email me.
EPA will be the starter batch to this group
>2030hrs- broke in the new equipment
>0200hrs- 26th pitched the yeast and have come up with some great quick chill methods to use later
OG was 1.057+0.002@75F
Thanks to everyone who came out and yes you may have a bottle and an invitation for the next batch!