^They have put up about 280,000 barrels this year with 53 Cong/barrel, only white oak charred barrels may be used and they have been charred for about 57 seconds, the majority of the barrels are then sent to Scotland and Canada to make scotch and whiskeys (remember all bourbons are whiskeys but not all whiskeys can be bourbon), In a small warehouse there are about 4000 barrels housed which is considered a small batch, 20,000 are in the large bldgs.
^Star Hills Farm is where it is made and Bill Samuels, Jr. is the 4th generation.
^There are 6 federal guidelines to be a bourbon (remebered by ABCDEF):
Aged at least 2 years, Barrels must be white oak and used once, Corn is the primary ingedient, Distilled at no more than 130 proof, Emptied barrels are at no more than 120 proof and Filtered through charcoal but nothing else must be allowed to affect color OR taste,
^Small batch distilleries are considered to be 120 barrels or less when barrelled and Maker's is done at 119, they also hold the Guinness Book in being the world's oldest bourbon distillery, 1805 (I think, I took a pic and will post them later), the vats are 12 feet deep (and they'll let you stick your finger in it!!) which the steam that is introduced into the mash kills anything that comes in contact with it, and only ladies may dip on the bottling line (they seem top have the most nimble and elicate fingers)