Feb 12, 2005

Brew Batch #8

Got things underway again for the first time in a long time and it felt goooood!!! Winter Warmer is this batch type, a Minnesotean type beer that said it will warm your cockles;)so this was a no-brainer when it came to buying it. I'll admit I got the jitters little because it has been some time since I brewed last and by the end I was well on the way to being buzz-worthy and can really remember little except that I forgot to add the liquid malt extract before starting on with the boiling hops. Which I hope doesn't effect the taste, but its done now. So with a little help from Merry- Gardendale TnDC transplant chapter I managed to get this one done. As a matter of fact I'll be pitching the yeast tomorrow when the liquid has oozed out of my bones a little more. OG 1.066+0.001@ 65F.