May 13, 2005

Brew Batch #9

Well ladies (or how about just Lady, crazy-ass lady froot-loop mother licker***), sorry got off on a rampage about my brewing partner for the night (now I know why we started this out as a boys only thing) the only problem is that she has been here for every batch, but I'm here to say TnDC brewing takes a backseat to no one (even parents in town to kiss the ass of the eldest that the whole family thought they would never get rid of and forced her fiancé or should I say fiancée (and no old women cannot marry in AL) to have a heart attack at the ripe old age of 31!! right after he proposed. Man do they deserve each other:) Anyhoo, #9 goes to gas!! 500th bottle here I come. I'm already thinking of something different and unfamiliar (not an Asian woman) but more along the lines of maybe and American Amber.
OG 1.034+0.001 @ 74F (with every problem known to man) suprised I remembered to even boil the H2O!! Must have been the Friday the 13th curse or something.