Nov 9, 2005

Brew Batch #12

I know this post comes before #11, but #11 is absolutely an investment!! (Stay tuned next Tuesday) Tonight Junk and I bottled 47 12oz long-necked brown with teal crowns, 2 clear for SRM education and 1 mutt. OG 1.008+0.001 @ 73F should give us a nice "session" beer at 4.0%ABV. This one really pulled it's way through after the whole old yeast melee. It was like having a "preemie" at 32 weeks with barely developed lungs, fearing it will have asthma and the little guy fighting it's way through and kicking some ass! I think this one is going to turn out just right. On a personal note I am way behind on "Our Tastes" postings but hope to soon catch up and throw some pics up on the server.