Next to last brew is the Maple Nut Brown Ale, (hope it's better than my NBA recipe). It pours a dark clear brown and 1/2" of tight foamy head. The taste is FRD (to quote my buddy Junk), a great slightly roasted sweetness! This comes from the maple syrup that is added to each barrel during fermentation. Munich caramel and roasted malts in this one and "a relatively low alcohol content". Get some.
Sep 17, 2008
Our Tastes- Tommyknocker Maple Nut Brown Ale
Next to last brew is the Maple Nut Brown Ale, (hope it's better than my NBA recipe). It pours a dark clear brown and 1/2" of tight foamy head. The taste is FRD (to quote my buddy Junk), a great slightly roasted sweetness! This comes from the maple syrup that is added to each barrel during fermentation. Munich caramel and roasted malts in this one and "a relatively low alcohol content". Get some.