Nov 18, 2009
Our Tastes-- Burton Baton
Closing in on the last DFH beer that I have stashed away, this one was given to me by Junk. Burton Baton is a wonderful medium amber pouring IPA blend. Head was flattening tan or so with slight drops of yeast brown that were the last to hit the foaminess. The aroma is an amazing soft hoppiness of floral and slight pine. According to the label it is a blend of young and white oak-aged IPA. Taste is a well distributed hop all the way across the palate. There is definite closing of the nasal passages due to "hop nose" for me. For those of you that don't know or have never experienced this ask a "hop head" friend or drink more IPAs, it'll happen to you too. Apparently certain types (or heavy amounts) of hoppy beers start to close me up, this one is doing it in 1/4 of a pint! Not much vanilla to this one for me from the wood. This is just a great citrusy, piney 10%abv IPA. Made from pilsner and amber malt, hopped with Northwestern hops this is a blend of an English Strong Ale and DFH's 90 minute IPA.
Nov 13, 2009
Brew Batch #36 REINKE'S REVENGE 2009
Racked over today onto 2 ounces of white oak chips. I'm a little concerned because it was at 1.026 which is was last year's batch was bottled at and I think that may be what caused the over carbonation in bottles. So, I'm hoping it drops a few more point at least.
Nov 9, 2009
Our Tastes-- Avery Samael's Ale

Nov 1, 2009
Our Tastes-- Reaper Ale Redemption Red Ale
KOKO! (Keep On Keepin' On). Redemption Red Ale is one of the last Reaper beers we have to try and it makes the grade as well. Pouring a reddish medium brown with slight particulate. The nose is a bready malt with little hop aroma. Columbus boil, Amarillo finish with an Amarillo dry-hop. 6.6%abv with 20.35 fatty-making CHOs per 12er. Well worth the bills it was bought with.
Our Tastes-- Reaper Ale Deathly Pale Ale
As we grind it out trying to deplete current stores of great brew we try Deathly Pale Ale tonight. Pouring a nice creamy off white head and cloudy dark wildflower honey. Sweet, floral aroma from it's malt and high alpha acid hops. Made with Chinook for the boil and finished with Cascade then dry-hopped with both. 6.2%abv and 16.25gms CHO per 12oz serving. Good mouthfeel and bitter aftertaste makes a keeper.
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