Nov 9, 2009

Our Tastes-- Avery Samael's Ale

So for The Enabler's 32nd we are trying Avery Samael's Ale (Brewed 2006 Batch#2). We tried this one in a large cordial glass. The color is a medium-dark particulate brown with a nose of profound sweetness. The flavor is as complex as the previously tasted Samuel Adams Utopias 05'. There is a heavy maple with plum and raisin with a definite taste of fresh white oak. Mouthfeel is medium with a clean finish and alcohol warmth that comes forward. An oak-aged English Strong Ale brewed with Two-row barley, caramel 150L, Columbus and Fuggles hops. Now סמאל from what I have read may have gotten a bad rep. Even though this is part of Avery's "demon series" Samael is a fallen angel. He may have been the one who tempted Eve yet stayed Abraham's hand from killing his own son. At 14.5%abv you can control Samael by pouring it in a small glass.