The last DFH beer I have to try,
Sah'Tea. A 9th century inspired beer that we'll be having in a tulip glass. Pouring a bright quickly dissipating white froth this beer has notes of caramel, ginger, honey, cinnamon, juniper berries and chai tea. It's made the "Finnish" way by dumping white hot rocks into the wort to give a pronounced caramelized profile. The taste a mouth full of clove, bananas, cardamon, nutmeg, orange peel, with a tart unsatisfying overall flavor. My face hurts as I type from the astringent tightness between my gums and cheeks! Maybe I shouldn't have saved this one for last.
The Enabler brought up a good point during this, we need some Utopias to wash this stuff out of our mouths. Color is the most exciting aspect of this brew. A nice golden orange. I grasp at my cods as I take drink after mouth punishing drink. Made with German Weizen yeast you'll lose yourself in the complexity of the aroma and flavor as you look for the metaphorical life ring for your palate. 9%abv. This beer left me with a "taste dickey"on my tongue.