Apr 2, 2010

Our Tastes-- BBC Quadruple Lambic Blend

Picked up last July or so, I have 2 bottles of this and we're cleaning out the fridge at the Woodland Creek chapter. Color is a dark straw or apple juice with little or no head. Tart raspberry sourness, more sour apple to Melonhead. Oh my Lord! There is an initial sour, acetic acid buttery taste on the 1st mouthful. The 2nd is much the same. After 2 drinks, I'll be waiting for The Enabler to show up to rid our house of more of this. The color is astonishing, aroma complex but the taste is ...acquired? Right now, I am looking for a mass produced Lindemann's to quench Melon's thirst. I can't believe this beer took up my fridge for almost year.