May 23, 2010
TnDC Field Trip #15 Inaugural Jubilee BrewFest
Got to enjoy the 1st beerfest held in Montgomery ever and since the "Freeing of the Hops". I'll have to say it was nicely set up in Twickenham Station in downtown. It was as hot and humid as any Alabama day and because we were smart enough to get the meal tickets as well we were able to have more than the SweetWater and Bell's. I had enough Delirium Nocturnum & Tremens, Westmalle Dubbel & Tripel, Scaldis, Orval and Chimay to pay for the entire price of my ticket. The booth that had these beers was sponsored by The Alley Bar and had Belgian dark chocolate and real (stinky yet good) Belgian cheeses. Some made with Chimay ale. The sunlight passing through the stained glass of the rod iron arches gave the NOLA beers a great backdrop. Hope for bigger and better next year.
May 20, 2010
Our Tastes-- Atwater Salvation
A truly unique experience! Atwater Block Brewery's IPA pours an overcarbonated head and puny piss color. Aroma is a CO2/yeast with a matching taste of bland (at best) mineral and irony dirt. I just poured another ounce into my pint glass and it erupted all over the table. It defies the laws of physics because the more liquid volume you pour the lighter the pint glass gets to due all the damn foam!! This is by far the worst IPA I've ever washed into my gullet. If this were my last drink just before death, I'd skip it and head straight on to the demise. Such a poor beer they've taken it off their own website. I'd put a pic up to match the post but we all know what a skull and crossbones looks like. 6%abv, but who cares, kerosene tastes better and it doesn't have NW and Cascade hops.
May 14, 2010
Our Tastes-- Dirtoir Black Lager

May 2, 2010
Our Tastes-- Über Pilsner
Über Pilsner is yet another Rogue beer, yes I'm still Roguein' my way through my vault o' Rogue beers. It's been a while since I had one and blogged it. It pours a gorgeous dark straw in my pilsner glass with a nice bright white head. Aroma is very interesting. Using only Sterling hops it is definitely quaffable. A great nutty maltiness with slight Czech Pils yeast aftertaste. Made with Harrington, Metcalf, Carafoam and acidulated malts this is a 5.2%abv bevvy and I could gulp it all summer long. No longer listed on the website, with my luck it was a limited release.
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