Aug 4, 2010

Brew Batch #43 Wicked Merry's Berry, Again, and Again

Knocked out a secretive WMB batch today following my old notes and recipe, only problem is that I have to wait for the yeast culture to get here tomorrow because the original one dudded. So everything is set we just need UPS to show up tomorrow for a quick smack and pour to get this one in the keg for my girlfrass's b'day (wife) in August.
Update 8/4/10:
Yeah, well UPS has failed me in the last few days then again so did FedEx. Even though the new yeast culture was supposed to be here the following day, it was the day after even though it arrived in my city the day I needed it, it just wasn't sorted for delivery. Then a day after that it was ready to go, but by then when I cracked the lid on my fermenter (insert "Psycho" shower scene stabbing music here") there were mold colonies floating in this super sweet liquid! So, here we are brewing yet another batch while it's 95F (Heat Index 111F) in the garage with every fan I can find going while the namesake is at work! MacKenzie is having a sip of SW 420 IPA with me to cool ourselves. Ultimately this will end up being the most expensive batch of beer I have ever brewed just ingredient-wise. I think so far I am at about $55 and have yet to pitch yeast:( I'm not worried about posting this because my wife has little interest in my piddling and has forgotten the website addy:) OG 1.046 +0.002 @75 which falls in line with last time, now hope for the b'day best.