The Enabler's B'day we are sampling this brew. Proudly made with Fritz Maytag (former owner of Anchor Steam Brewer and at the time of this brewing a guest brewer with Sierra's Ken). The bottle alone is tuliped or fluted at the neck in the 22oz bottle with a bar top neck. It pours a black hole of night pulling in gravity of light black with a light gingerbread man head. Wowee! A raisin nose gives way to an explosion of pure coffee after tastes! To have such a fruity nose and a pure coffee taste is a dichotomy of life. The warm raisin Belgian hits your nose and initial taste only to have ground coffee explode onto your palate. This may be in my top 10 favorite beers due to surprise endings! Like books, cigars, or life situations in general this too flips you out. At 9.2% abv we likes it.