Mar 22, 2014

Brew Batch #57 Cherry Wood Porter

What started as the possibility of pumpkin porter quickly became cherry wood when the gourds went out of season. I'll make sure to revisit that recipe when the jacks come back into season, but for now a nice sweet porter with OG 1.066+0.002 @78F sits waiting for the lag phase to pass. Hopefully it will start dropping quickly then I've got to decide how many ounces of wood to put it on. Another collaboration in the filling of the keezer that's soon to grace Beat-12 Brewing.

Brew Batch #56 cIPA

Needed an IPA for spring, so I"m banging out an IPA with all Centennial with the help of The Enabler and Andrew Mc. Part of NB's IPA series and a beer that had great sweet spine on the swill taste. OG 1.060+0.00@ 60F, with a phenomenal grapefruit nose. Can't wait to dry-hop this one in a couple of weeks.

Our Tastes-- Leinenkugel Canoe Paddler

Canoe Paddler by Leinenkugel  pours an extremely clear beautiful straw. A "Kölsch-style" beer made with rye that lends a slight pepperiness to the finish of what I consider a great pick by Merry. Aroma is mildly citrus and a 5%abv makes this one my new spring/summer favorite. Compared to JJ's it comes at 2nd over Rogue. I am more pleased with my own brew's local use of Auburn wildflower honey. But this one did win gold at GABF 2013.

Our Tastes-- Rogue Honey Kölsch

So as we gather to brew today, I'm putting Jake's Juice up against a couple of readily available kölsch's. First up that The Enabler and Andy Mc help me take notes on is Rogue's Honey Kölsch.
Pours a frothy white head with little change in the overall clarity after a swirled protein bed. The cloudy golden straw haze is appreciable. Bland nose of slight citrus pith and honey. One dimensional flavor profile as Andy Mc put it as compared to JJ's. A nice sweet aftertaste and a beer I would definitely have again or use as a conversion brew. People love to think they're having a great micro and add in the honey bees and all of a sudden they're drinking for the planet! Made with 10 great ingredients and  5.9%abv.

Mar 19, 2014

Running + Beer?

I don't normally repost things sent to me unless I feel they have a definitive contribution to the beer education of the world, but this article on beer recovery was sent to me by an unnamed MD and was presented on NPR, so there's some merit here for sure. Oddly enough, there's some great information on protein synthesis and recovery post workout. It' a balancing act and this concoction is better related to O'Doul's or Sharp's with more protein. For the record, I like them both.

Mar 9, 2014

Brew Batch #55 Honey Kölsch (aka Jake's Juice too)

With the help of Andy Mc, I bottled Jake's Juice too for my builder. He's a great guy that's always here for me in a pinch and liked his personalized recipe the first go around. The stats were almost dead on from last time. FG 1.000+ 0.001 @ 70F to yield 5.12%abv. Same slightly darker color than expected possibly from the honey addition. Profile should improve profoundly with CO2 and two weeks bottle/keg time. Oh, I didn't mention I kegged 2.5C this time? Must have slipped my mind. Call it that tax deductible marketing QC share. Now to price granite counter tops.