Mar 22, 2014

Our Tastes-- Rogue Honey Kölsch

So as we gather to brew today, I'm putting Jake's Juice up against a couple of readily available kölsch's. First up that The Enabler and Andy Mc help me take notes on is Rogue's Honey Kölsch.
Pours a frothy white head with little change in the overall clarity after a swirled protein bed. The cloudy golden straw haze is appreciable. Bland nose of slight citrus pith and honey. One dimensional flavor profile as Andy Mc put it as compared to JJ's. A nice sweet aftertaste and a beer I would definitely have again or use as a conversion brew. People love to think they're having a great micro and add in the honey bees and all of a sudden they're drinking for the planet! Made with 10 great ingredients and  5.9%abv.