Aug 5, 2014

Our Tastes-- Third Voyage

A fine double IPA that's marmalade in color and slight tan in head. Picked this one up in the Sam Adams Hopology pack this year. I've had it but blogged it not, up to this point. The aroma is almost of sweet must. Originally part of the small batch series, (like Fat Jack), it now appears to roam free whenever Jim has a seasonal IPA bomb to drop. As an homage to Capt Cook and his "3rd" and final voyage, Jim channeled "Sam C" and gave us an IPA with Cascade hops from the UK, New Zealand and the Pacific NW US which follows Cook's path. All being from the same species yet environmentally skewed due to growing conditions. Slap some Simcoe in it and voila. The malt backbone on this one seems pretty big with Two-Row Harrington, Metcalfe & Copeland Pale, Caramalt, Honey Malt with the sweet undertones of the last 2 come through nicely. Funny how brewer's all find inspiration in multiple places or people and brew to them in tribute. That's the ultimate. It's a good 8% easily downable brew that burps straight grapefruit.