Sep 3, 2014

Brew Batche(s) #61* REINKE'S REVENGE 2014

What you see before you is not one spent grain bag of Reinke's Revenge 2014, but in fact 2! I know it boggles the mind that first of all I am actually ahead of brewing this year, with the original brewing day being October 4th. But there's good reason for this early brewing. In years past I let October slip up on me with football and hunting season blending into the trials of professional life and before I knew it I was months behind getting this annual beast in the kettle. Inspired by Red, I've self imposed a double batch to see if I have the pro-am moxie for GABF 2015. Each batch was simultaneously brewed with Andy Mc's help, but the LME is slightly different. Somewhere along the line the LME I had been using was inadvertently changed to Dark instead of Special Dark. However, the batch I want to recreate well (#44 raspberry) was done with Dark. Unable to decide on which to use, Andy procured some long lost Special Dark and we did them both. Brew time was spot on and the SD came out at 1.086+0.001@ 72F with the D at 1.082+0.001@ 72F. I'll follow the same fermentation times and secondary on purée. Here's to being 310 gallons into this hobby.