May 17, 2015

Brew Batch #66 (or #1) Jake's Juice AG

Final kegging, conditioning and bottling (6/30/15) has taken place on this much anticipated batch of JJ's and this was an awesome experience in changing one aspect of a beer with slight but profound difference in the profile. In the past I had used solely American 1010 yeast, but with this batch I pitched it and German 2565 in their respective fermenters. Each one had the same amount of time in their primaries, racking and conditioning and the jury is in. German 2565 came in at 1.004+0.001 @74F yielded 5.91% abv, the best albeit the same color but with a taste slightly sweeter and a minuscule yeast background. American 1010 (my stable horse on this recipe) 1.002+0.002 @77F yielded 6.3% basically the same color but with a more crisp and a hint of tartness that in batches before I had overlooked or missed. I am extremely proud of this maiden all grain lengthily researched batch. With a protein rest next time and the same conditioning schedule, it may hit it's pinnacle. However, like all good horses I think I'll have to let 1010 got to pasture because the properties 2565 showed, I'm going to let it race from now on.