Feb 20, 2016

Brew Batch #70 Blueberry Stout

Kegged 2.5C of this one today and bottled a case in nice blue crowned long necks. I ended up using the entire 120mls for blueberry flavoring because the 60mls in the secondary just didn't get me there. Hopefully it doesn't overpower the roast character, but live and learn, FG 1.008+0.001 @68F to give it a nice 4.99%abv. I missed using real fruit like I have on previous batches (WMB) but also realize the tedious nature of doing .You have to worry about continued fermentation sometimes, racking and losing volume, etc. I'm not the only brewmaster that likes using real fruit, so maybe I can find a way to balance old school and new techniques. On a side note, the Imperial Red dropped to 1.025, needless to say AM 1056 from Wyeast is a mule!