Jun 28, 2016

Brew Batch #73 The Twins' DIPA

For the birth/celebration of my 1st child I brewed Evie's English style bitter. So it seemed only appropriate for me to venture out into a recipe untried for our child rearing finale and brew The Twins' Double IPA. Was actually going to brew this 2 months ago today but some folks couldn't wait another week to be born on May Fourth like good little fraternal twins. This is my first attempt at not only a DIPA but the use of a hop tea as well. OG 1.090+ 0.002@ 80F and a little higher than I had calculated (was looking for closer to . Let's hope 1056 can chew it up again for me. This will be bottled only in bomber and given to a select 24 folks, minus QA pops of course. And thanks to Haley E.R. Cooper for help with cleaning up my design for the crowns over at bottlemark.com.