Aug 19, 2016

Balls and Chain 10k (Leg Two)

Many years ago, I hitched my wagon to the Big D train and knew that we'd always have the Stanley Cup playoffs and "single-dom" .Well, as it happens the second of my groomsmen locked it down to a good lookin' seat cover (that's trucker talk for a pretty lady) on 7/30/16. So as I said in the previous post, I'd see if I could lengthen the run for the amount of time I've know the Wolf Pack-ish member and this 6.75 miles almost did me in. Thank goodness there was some Idyll Hounds Man O' Wheat waiting for me.

It's only 88F with 64% humidity, but this 4.8% bevvy is just what the running coach ordered. A coastal snag, now locally available, I'll have to say is one of my favorite wheats! Fantastic color and white head pour forth with a nose of fresh bread. It says unfiltered but seems to have cleared out just fine. Smacks of a nice American wheat that you could have with low country crab boil all day. Man, I'm hungry. Can't distinguish the hops, Saaz? Website leaves a little to be desired but since they used to be located in Seaside proper, kind of, they're probably busy brewing beer for the masses at their new facility. Keep it up guys and let me know when you are sponsoring SeaSide Half;) and I'm glad that according to your label you're on my planet.