Sep 2, 2017

Our Tastes-- Bretticent

I have 3 bottles of Wicked Weed pre sell-out stuff and this is one of them. Now, when I got this bottle I was not big on the "British fungus" nor the saison class in general. However, when I poured up Bretticent even my wife clamored at it! It poured a thick white head atop a medium to dark ray of sunshine. Taste at 6.5% was light and smooth with a touch of tart. Made with Riverbend Malthouse barley, wheat and rye and finished with Brettanomyces, this is one of the most phenomenal saisons I've had. Now part of "The High End" with AB-InBev, I'm curious to know whether this intricately made and produced beer will remain the same.