Nov 15, 2017

Our Tastes-- Cusqueña Dark Golden Lager

Raising a bootlegger properly is a tough chore, but the Alfalfa train went international on this one! Straight from Cusco, Peru to my mouth comes Cusqueña. Yes, I understand it's a mass produced dark golden lager but man can they knock it out right south of the equator. Cusco was once capitol of the Inca Empire founded in 1100AD and still has the Plaza de Armas as it's central square. At over 11,000 ft it's hard to imagine obtaining gravity fed mountain water, but that's the base. Cervecera Alemana "German Brewery" was founded October 1, 1980 by Ernesto Günther and quickly became a crowd favorite with it's much lighter lager as the natives were used to chicha to begin with. The 100% barley malt bill makes the body better than a pilsner and the Saaz is a standard hop. A wonderful white head sat atop for quite sometime as the bubbles gripped to the ole No Shave. At 5% this little beauty has been the feather in the cap of the Alfalfa Train's to date.