Aug 22, 2018

Brew Batch #103 PBnJT! (again)

Brewing for AUfest, I tried my hand once again with the help of RP @OTB on Peanut Butter NO Jelly Time! It's v1.1 for only a few reasons that have to do with slight grain bill changes and profile changes due to having my own brewing system and ability to finalize water chemistry. Still the Baltic Porter on steroids with an OG 1.096+0.00@65F (1.100 expected). Pitched a mega fresh 1.5L starter of 2112 and used the "legacy" yeast from last time just in case the "muties" wanted to hold the "newbies" hands through the process. BE-wise I'm sitting solid at 66% but had to do a 90 minute mash. We'll see how it turns out and whether or not this will be my AU OKfest entry.