Oct 9, 2018

Brew Batch #105 Melted Chocolate Bars

As I anticipated great things from this beer, knowing full well it was 1 of only 2 brews I had "stashed" away so not as to have an empty keezer after AUfest, I opened the pre-sanitized bucket with the mesh bag of 9 ounces of cacao nibs hanging in it for the last 2 weeks to find a light pellicle skim!!! NO! Damn buckets! I guess it's safe to say that my old buckets regardless of the lengths I go through to clean them have become fermenters for funk if I ever veer in that direction. This beer was pristine when secondaried over. It even finished at 1.010+0.001@ 78F to give a nice 5.8%. My only hope is to crash it cold and inhibit anything further and drink it fast. I'll be using my glass carboys or getting a couple of new bubblers form now on. Farewell, plastic buckets of old.