May 22, 2019

Brew Batch #122 Creekbed Cream Ale

Still using the SMB tablet method of kegging so see if this controls any air uptake. FG 1.006-0.001@53F to give the same ole 5.9%. So from a QC standpoint this batch is easily repeatable with a BE of 66% and solid numbers. Slowly loading the keezer for what looks to be the hottest summer in a long time. Wouldn't have it any other way for the return of Hot Balls. My only notice is that it seems to be a bit more cloudy than I remember. But I'm sure some settling and keg conditioning will drop it brighter. Did I put that whirfloc in?

May 18, 2019

2019 Das Boot

Put on by the NJHopz club and a well run comp that was judged at Czig Meister Brewing Co. The winners list is posted here and as you can see Gettin' Lei'd got a little gold! (41 overall), with Cabana Boy and Pacific Rimmer garnering 33& 28 respectively out of 281 entries.  No score sheet posting just yet but something tells me Rimmer is past it's prime and would've faired better in the 18B category. I can now mark NJ off the list. 

May 17, 2019

Brew Batch #123 Shepherdess IPA

Every Shepherd needs a Shepherdess, it's how we're built. Took a "rib" from Shepherd's IPA in the form of the grain bill and FWHops. Then over the next few days will dry-hop on AU Ella (Lil' Galaxy), Comet (Lil' Citra) and Hallertau Blanc for that extra kick of white grape kick. Like most female shepherds, this one will be aromatic and juicy but to which end of the spectrum and will you be able to handle it? OG 1.060+0.00@73F

May 9, 2019

Brew Batch #122 Creekbed Cream Ale

A fan favorite and a 32.5 getter at Happy Holidays, so I did it again for the summer comps and yardwork. BE good at 66%, OG 1.050+0.000@ 66F so we look good. Hopefully we'll have 5.5% grainy goodness in about 10 days thanks to the mega Safale 05 pitch intended for RBP topper.