Aug 5, 2019

Brew Batch #127 End Chapter

Today we keg a beer to celebrate the anniversary of the brew buddy that pushed me to AG and a string of medals along with better water chemistry post Seibel. I honor his move to Leavenworth with this, my first attempt at a Best Bitter (at least from the abv stand point). So FG 1.006-0.001@57F to give a hefty 4.1% and upon first sippage as it sits on 40PSI, this one has a cheeky malt backbone from the Maris Otter and a nice bitter "I need another" finish. But wait, he never moved. So this brew puts his yakety ass just around the corner as his wife got pegged here for another year, atleast. I hope this brew scores triple gold and the neighbors guzzle it cause I ain't brewing it again. Maybe...