Jun 8, 2022

DC Homebrewers Cherry Blossom Competition


Whelp, the "51st" state eludes. I sent Jake's Juice v2.3, which to me is dialed in as a honey kolsch (entered it as a kolsch), but only scored a 25 on apple, pear, honey, too dark for SRM notes. I'll be looking into 31B for the next comps. Reinke's Revenge 2021 CoVid edition Delta variant garnered 29 only 😐. Notes on it are well balanced and HOT! That one "killed me smalls". Both judges said it was decent with one saying closer to a Mexican stout, not sure what category that is but I'll look into it. The awards are supposed to be held June 15th but it seems with 104 they were able to knock out scoring ahead of time. Can't complain on how it was run just that some of these judge's handwriting stinks! And I'm a doctor.... next year DC, next year.