Jul 24, 2024

Brew Batch #195 KeeWeePee v1.1

Needing to revisit positive roots before delving into unknown territory with a new style, we go back to a true winner. The tried and true that's dry-hopped. OG 1.042+0.001 @72F on a sh'ton of 2278 Czech yeast. Only problem is Motueka is low in inventory now that it's in the fermenter. May have to double down on Wai-iti and call it 1.15?

Jul 10, 2024

Brew Batch #194 Nekkatron (v 1.1?)

Giving it another whirl has redeemed this recipe. Learned you've got to have some sort of colored malt in these things, pilsner, oats and white wheat don't cut it. FG 1.006-0.001 @57F nails the 7.5% abv and it wafts of pure Chilton, Co 🍑🍑 going into the keg. Summa-time!