Feb 4, 2025

Brew Batch #200 Southie v2.1

Ah yes, all the bubblegum esters and figs you want hit the keg today at OG 1.010 +0.000 @68F. The CBB White labs Monastic chewed it completely up! Got a full keg of luscious BDSA to hold off the masses until the next Impy Stout goes on, (hint it'll be a Reinke's variant). 10.75 % seems about right.

Jan 22, 2025

2025 Snow Balls 5k


For the first time ever (I believe) we at Beat-12 Brewing Co. were able to actually hold Snow Balls here. With roughly 3” of fresh powder and sub-freezing temps to hold it in place we ran 4.1 miles in a slightly brisk 40:48 overall. Southern parts of the state saw over 8" and the panhandle of FL has never seen this much snow. Would've been fun to do once in a lifetime Snowy Beach Balls 5k. This all helps as the Sea Turtle Half Marathon looms closer. Which by the way if you're looking for a good site to track personal mileage as well as shoe wear, I suggest runningahead.com. 

Jan 14, 2025

Feast of the Ass Day


As someone who brews beer and enjoys all things comical, this is my new favorite "off" holiday. Who wouldn't like a cold pint of porter or Impy stout and a ride on a donkey or at least celebrating donkeys. I personally had no idea that the donkey that carried the virgin Mary into Egypt had it's own holiday, much less the other donkeys mentioned in the Bible. I must say, wait for it....these are some blessed asses?

Jan 12, 2025

Brew Batch #200 Southie-12 v2.1

The big boy that dialed in the style! Seems somewhat fitting to do this batch and let it do it's thing for the next couple of months to get just right. It's taken on some grain bill changes but I feel like this is almost perfect to the style. Unfortunately, I muffed the water totals somehow and had a 2 hour boil just to get 55% BE. Pisser. Nonetheless, OG 1.092+0.00 @70F should yield a solid 10+-11% BDSA if the WLP 500 from CBB chews it up. 

Jan 4, 2025

Brew Batch #182 That Effing Hairpiece in Your Bathroom

So, #189 was a regular batch that was "off" to say the least. Most ended up in the storm drain and quite honestly, I forgot about this batch meaning to sample it over and over again throughout the summer before I knew it, 16 months had gone by.  Now this bourbon barrel-laden 3.5 gallon spirited yield has hit the keg! I can't believe the angels got that much of a share and the remaining spirit was pulled from deep within Lil' Le Arthur's soul on this one. Not sure if the barrel has anything left in it, I doubt it but you can guarantee BA That Effing Hairpiece in your Bathroom is going to a big comp. I'll spare 2 bottles at most and the rest for Untappd using friends only. Goodness at the waft from bung!