Oct 2, 2012

Our Tastes-- Vas Deferens

I know the name of the beer for the majority of the population causes the Cremasteric reflex. As a great gag to my pop-in-law and I this past SeaGrove venture, I was going to try this brew with him. But time flew by and I figured Junk and I would try this curiosity; however, he went into rut early so I'm sipping alone! Pouring a cloudy medium brown with somewhat frothy head this beer smacks of orange peel and cereal. Aroma is of stale fruity pebbles, taste of a sweet wit beer. Made by Caldera Brewing Co. with blood orange zest, orange bitters and dark Belgian candi sugar. An 8.1%abv makes it a closer and unfortunately seems to be a one and out fall release with no plans for reproduction?