Nov 29, 2012

Our Tastes-- Mikeller Black Tie

Promised Junk I'd save this one for him and FINALLY we sip on Mikkeller Black Tie. Great wafts of vanilla oak and honey. Absolutely opaque. Deep brown tight froth. The hint of peat smokiness is light and an awesome complexity. Alcohol is undeniable at 11.5%. Currently rips a 99 at From what I can gather stouts are Mikkeller's "go-to". And the brewing with honey is not only somewhat cheaper and more easily managed than grain on the small scale, but enticing to replicate over and over again utilizing subtle changes in aging or recipe to create "one offs". From what I read this may or may not be retired. I'd spot $20 to have it again, but for now it has become an Avogadro's constant of me.