Nov 24, 2012

Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams Hazel Brown

An old recipe from the 96' World Homebrew Contest (Hazelnut Brown Ale), Sam Adams kicks up the marketing notch once again by offering this brew in the Harvest Collection sampler. This is a straight brown pouring beer with a butterscotch toffee nose. Hop are nonexistent. The palate afterwards is fully consumed by the hazelnut profile. A great beer to throw in the fall/winter lineup. Haven't done an NBA in a while. Grains were two-row pale malt blend, Caramel 60, Dingeman's biscuit, Paul's roasted barley (who is Paul?) along with Hallertau Mittelfrueh Noble hops, East Kent Goldings hops rounded with a 5.2%abv and 174cal/longneck.