May 25, 2004

Brew Batch #2

How about some nice American Amber?? Well that's what was brewed tonight without a hitch or single hint of a boil-over. Since I finally got that lb. of Amber DME in from ass-head at mariettahomebrew, I have been itching to use it and finally cut ties with that dry, impatient prick. So here's to you, Chris, and your limited means of communication and 3 failures at getting things right on only 8 orders!! Tried allowing the wort to cool over night so that I would have that perfect pitch (actually pitched on 5/26/04). It was sealed by the 3-piece airlock anyway and worked very well. Will also try the ice-batch for the lautertun next time to see if it cuts the cooling time and then pour over an ice batch/ice alone.
OG 1.042+0.002@74F