May 25, 2004

What's Red, Slimy When Dead and Great to Eat?

It was a great time this year on the trip. We caught a nice load of fish and have all been officially named into the Mozambique Mafia. We stayed at a hotel close to the marina this year and it was awesome for only $20 a peep. With the inlet just behind in the backyard and the Gazelles running through the common area (where we wore a $3.50 frisbee from Old Navy out, nice buy Rusty), we were more than entertained. Looked a bit "ghetto" from the outside but I felt a little embarrassed about saying anything to the woman at the desk when we actually got inside. For the next few posts I'll try to highlight the fish we caught because we really raked in the species this year. And of course the Red Snapper were plentiful..