Sep 21, 2004

Our Tastes-- Budweiser/Bud Lite IVAN EDITION

I had plenty of Budweiser/Bud Lite, thanks to Joe J. I have slowly started preferring Bud to Miller Lite in recent years. Maybe its true your tastebuds do change as you get older. It is a refreshingly nice beer with a color and tastes that needs not be expounded upon due to its universal appeal, hell even the Japanese like it. Couple of tidbits on Budweiser: It was founded in 1876 and is a Lager beer (bottom fermenting yeast that takes a little while longer and is temperature sensitive, they also produce 100 million barrels/year, they have some of the best draught beer out there (especially the "party ball" that seems to be making a comeback, DRAUGHT is unpasteurized and that is why is must stay cold (allowing it to warm causes "flat" or skunked beer, or even worse contaminated beer) they also have a 110 day guarantee of freshness from the born on date, which is a neat ad move for your fresh beer drinker, but so far the neatest campaign ploy is Day Old Beer Tasting at your local pub or tavern (this stuff was "born" yesterday!!)
Got an old beer ball you don't know what to do with? How about a keg and an old school fridge?