Jan 27, 2005

New Mug Club

I joined the Lifetime Mug Club at The Olde Auburn Ale House tonight and started things off right. First off I had 1 Monks Dubbel, Auburn Amber, Pilsner Urquell, and 2 EPAs that your's truly made back on March 25th 04'. It costs $110 or just under and I got a sweet 22oz mug that I carefully measured to make sure that was right because it was told to me to be a 23ozer but that is right to the lip, a nice dark blue polo with the Ale House emblem embossed on it, there is never a cover for me, and I get whatever the going price is for a pint all the time. Not too bad of a deal considering it pays for itself in about 50 beers. Oh, I also get a free meal on Wednesday nights, more of an appetizer size than a meal, so that is probably about $4 or so if I had to pay for it. Just gave me a good reason to go more on a regular basis.