Mar 20, 2005

Great Smokes for Great Beer..

I was given a couple of fine Cuban stogies to taste and I will tell you that I have already had a couple before in my lifetime, but these were the finest... as in frog fuzz fine. The name skips me for the moment (I'll repost it later), but this stogie was already cut, burned even with a delicate ash and had the smoothest draw since the invention of the peace pipe (not that I have ever tried one but I imagine the Native Americans didn't screw around when it came to their tobac and drink--hmmm maybe something I should blog later). I inhaled this morsel while ingesting a couple of my finest pints #2,3&4!! (see earlier posts for descriptions). So thank you Mr. A, for sharing in your bounty and giving that Portuguese pack mule enough euros to cross the Atlantic so that WE may indulge in yet another forbidden fruit, at least until Fidel passes on to that great socialized Cuban tobacco farm in the sky. Wonder if I'll leave to see that? Or if he'll become the first Terminator and out live all of us stogie smokers;)