This was a most surprising ale. It was dark and malty with that definite 5.5% kick. As I continued to drink I noticed a nice warming come over me. This beer typically comes out early in the season and I was quite pleased to see it still on the shelf at my squeeze's local beer nook (Mike's Handy Food Mart). Yeah the name is funny but you wouldn't believe the types of beer these guys get in. I enjoyed it enough that I wish I had saved at least 3 for yearly comparison and update, but alas my tongue is thick and typing is slow;)
Mar 14, 2005
Our Tastes-- Red Hook Winterhook
This was a most surprising ale. It was dark and malty with that definite 5.5% kick. As I continued to drink I noticed a nice warming come over me. This beer typically comes out early in the season and I was quite pleased to see it still on the shelf at my squeeze's local beer nook (Mike's Handy Food Mart). Yeah the name is funny but you wouldn't believe the types of beer these guys get in. I enjoyed it enough that I wish I had saved at least 3 for yearly comparison and update, but alas my tongue is thick and typing is slow;)