May 15, 2006

FlagShip Brew?

The Port City chapter headed by Junk and apprentice Red (denoted here in pink;) tossed their hats into the brewing world this evening with an Extra Pale Ale. (confirmed via personal email). I've never been a fan of the extra pale ale, too Coors Litey, to each his own and definitely a great starter batch. So from here hence let the splinter cells of the AU chapter of TnDC be known as The Rocket City & Port City chapters respectively. I see a blog/website in their futures, remember you heard it here first. Ah yes, I remember the tender days of brewing with Junk when at first he was afraid to touch anything and was as content as a little piglet in their own poop to just watch and drink all in the fridge... I digress;( But now he has stepped forward into the world of contamination, bad/weak yeast starters, high or low gravity choices, refining his own recipes and mentoring Red (denoted here in pink;) I can only hope that he keeps a couple hidden for the old man on the mountain, as I too wish for a sample of his brew. I also find comfort in the fact that Red (denoted here in pink;) was wrapped in saran wrap as the brewing took place, you can never be too careful. Brew on you happy Pirates of the Gulf!!