May 19, 2006

Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams White Ale

This could very well be my favorite Sam Adams beer...a wit bier. Unfortunately it is only produced as a seasonal but in a way I guess that makes it more special. When it was first produced it was meant to be a seasonal then interest became so large it was available year round, then suddenly discontinued and brought back in 2002 to stay in the seasonal rotation. I was able to purchase a twelver for only $10 at Mike's (see previous posts) and should have gone ahead and loaded up the car. This beer has a great aroma and flavor profile. You can really get a since of the spice additions in this beer. The only bad part is that one just doesn't seem to "git r dun". This is the "Americanized" answer to Hoegaarden.
Some characteristics: 175cal/12oz bottle, Tettnang Tettnanger Noble hops, only 3 grains Munich 10, malted wheat and 2 row pale, Spices- orange and lemon peel, dried plum, grains of paradise, coriander, anise, hibiscus, rose hips, tamarind, and vanilla all at the end of the kettle boil, 5.4% abv. Pretty simple if you ask me to be so good! Available Jan-April.