Jul 7, 2006

Rumrunners, Moonshiners & Bootleggers

Check it out on The History Channel. This is an awesome show about Big 6 Henderson busting Henry Beam (which has been a secret for 50 years!), Glen Dunaway winning the first National Association of Stock Car Racers (NASCAR) race in a suped up Ford Standard that had run moonshine just a week before and the biggest bust ever with a still that had 36.. 800 gallon sets that were using a combined total of 2500 lbs of sugar a week making $40,000/month. Yeah, NASCAR started with moonshiners!! Thanks for the reminder Mrs. Neese. I really enjoyed this one since I come from a long lineage of moonshiners, not bootleggers, learn the difference and use the terminology well.
"There will always be moonshine, thank God for the Moonshiners."