Jul 26, 2006

Our Tastes-- Olde Towne Hefeweizen

I just discovered this beer today and had to have a sixer of it. Apparently, my local microbrewery (this state's only) makes a few seasonals. Living here won't be so bad afterall. I don't have a lot of info, it's not even on their website, but I can tell you before I even tried it...I could have sworn I had Hoegaarden in my mug! The bouquet was identical. I wish I had more info for you, but I'm was shocked to even find it. They also make an Extra Pale Ale, Pale Ale and Amber. The only difference in the labels is the color of Old Grandpa Gus's hat, the Hefeweizen has a light blue color and they have gone to all black crowns which really sets the bottle off. I'll review those soon too, this is turning out to be a beery week;) 5.1%abv.