Sep 27, 2006

Our Tastes-- Samuel Adams 1790 Root Beer Brew

In June of this year Samuel Adams released a set of beers commemorating the colonial days of brewing called The Brewer Patriot Collection. This is "batch" #4 of the Brewer Patriot Collection. It has a very distinct aroma of clove (just like the gum) and definitely smells like root beer, but this isn't your usual Barq's. Sediment!! But for the life of me I can't describe the flavor. It has a great mouthfeel of smooth velvet, but the taste is just.... root beer with alcohol in it!! Color is a soft brown. Made with "blackstrap molasses, sassafras root bark, dried wintergreen and licorice. All ingredients are authentic to the colonial era and are consistent with the innovative style of New England brewers like Samuel Adams." Food pairings are fried chicken or clams, pizza or as an ingredient in a creamy root beer float with vanilla ice cream (not for the kiddies!!). 5.5%abv and one is definitely enough. Sorry Jim, you're 0-1 buddy, but it is a great marketing ploy and brewing concept. I just can't drink more than one at any given setting.